Cataract morphology, classification,
Patients with cataract are commonly examined in optometric practice and given the ageing of the population, their numbers are sure to increase in the coming years. This article discusses the optometric assessment and management of age-related cataract. The scope includes the categorisation of cataract morphology, the assessment of vision, the assessment of visual disability, and how to determine when to refer a patient for surgery. Cataract is the most common condition requiring assessment and referral from optometric practice. This article examines the features of the main morphological types of age-related cataract: nuclear cortical and posterior subcapsular. The steps to take in the assessment and management of cataract patients are discussed including: examination for cataract, visual assessment methods to confirm whether vision loss is present, discussion with the patient to establish if visual disability is present, and putting it all together to decide when to refer a patient for surgery. CE Optometry 2001;4(2):55-60 Konrad Pesudovs BScOptom PhD DipAdvClinOptom Key words: Cataract, disability, morphology, referral vision
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